Europa Universalis 4 Ottoman Guide

Usefull Eu4 console commands (I will try to update the guide so it covers most of the Eu4 cheats and many variations of them)

They start in. a strong, wealthy location. surrounded by incredibly weak states The Persian region takes quite a while to recover from the collapse of the Timurids, and so isn’t any help in containing the Ottomans. Ottoman is so easy for beginner. In history,Ottoman’s army almost defeated all European countries,and the Navy also dominated the Mediterranean. In the game,it’s easy to reach.

General Cheats

(add ducats). (can be negative)
example: cash 999999 (adds 999999 ducats).
example 2: cash -2000 (removes 2000 ducats).
cash without a value gives 5000 ducats


(add adm dip and mil power). (can be negative)
example: powerpoints 9999 (adds 9999 dip/mil/adm power).
example 2: powerpoints -666 (removes 666 dip/mil/adm power).
powerpoints without a value gives 999 dip/mil/adm power

(grants manpower). (can be negative)
example: manpower 999 (adds 999000 manpower to your manpower pool).
example 2: manpower -100 (removes 100000 manpower from your manpower pool).
manpower without a value grants 50000 manpower


(grants sailors). (can be negative)
example: sailors 99999 (adds 99999 sailors to your sailors pool).
example 2: sailors -5000 (removes 5000 sailors from your sailors pool).
sailors without a value grants 5000 sailors

(adds prestige) (can be negative).
example : prestige 100 (adds 100 prestige)
example 2: prestige -100 (takes 100 prestige away)
prestige without a value adds 5 prestige

Europa Universalis 4 Ottoman Guide Set


(changes your ruler legitimacy(only for monarchies) (can be negative)).
example legitimacy 50 (adds 50 legitimacy)
example legitimacy -50 (removes 50 legitimacy)

(adds or substracts stability) (can be negative)).
example stability 1 (adds 1 stability)
example stability -4 (adds -4 stability)
stability without a value will add +6 stability

Europa universalis 4 tutorial

(adds corruption). (can be negative)
example: corrupt 25 (adds 25 corruption).
example 2: corrupt -1 (removes 100 corruption (due to a glitch)).
cash without a value gives 5000 ducats

(adds or removes inflation from your country or desired country)
example: inflation 1 (will add 1 inflation to your country)
example 2: inflation -5 (will remove 5 inflation from your country)
example 3: inflation 1000 TUR (will add 1000 inflation to the ottomans)


(grants adm power) (can be negative)
example adm 200 (adds 200 administrative power)
example adm -200 (removes 200 administrative power)
adm without a value gives 999 adm points

(grants dip power) (can be negative)
example dip 200 (adds 200 diplomatic power)
example dip -200 (removes 200 diplomatic power)
dip without a value gives 999 dip points


Europa Universalis Iv Guide

(grants mil power) (can be negative)
example mil 200 (adds 200 military power)
example adm -200 (removes 200 military power)
mil without a value gives 999 mil points

Religion cheats

(changes an entire country religion to specific religion (better use this one with debug_mode))

example: change_religion PAP sunni (changes religion of the papal state to sunni)
example 2: change_religion GEN orthodox (changes religion of genoa to orthodox)
example 3: change_religion TUR protestant (changes religion of the ottomans to protestant)


(changes a province religion to specific religion (better use this one with debug_mode))

example: change_religion 118 sunni (changes religion in rome to sunni)
example 2: change_religion 112 shiite (changes religion in venezia to shia)
example 3: change_religion 76 tengri_pagan_reformed (changes religion in salzburg to tengri)

religion tags:

Catholic: catholic
Protestant: protestant
Reformed: reformed
Orthodox: orthodox
Coptic: coptic
Sunni: sunni
Shia: shiite
Ibadi: ibadi
Theravada: buddhism
Vajrayana: vajrayana
Mahayana: mahayana
Confucian: confucianism
Shinto: shinto
Hindu: hinduism
Sikh: sikhism
Animist: animism
Fetishist: shamanism
Totemist: totemism
Inti: inti
Nahuatl: nahuatl
Mayan: mesoamerican_religion
Norse: norse_pagan_reformed
Tengri: tengri_pagan_reformed
Jewish: jewish
Zoroastrian: zoroastrian
Nestorian: nestorian
Fraticelli: fraticelli
Cathar: cathar
Messalian: messalian
Waldensian: waldensian
Lollard: lollard
Monophysite: monophysite
Bogomilist: bogomilist
Monothelite: monothelite
Iconoclast: iconoclast
Paulician: paulician
Zikri: zikri
Yazidi: yazidi
Kharijite: kharijite
Druze: druze
Hurufi: hurufi
Mazdaki: mazdaki
Manichean: manichean
Samaritan: samaritan_faith
Karaite: karaite_faith
Jainism: jain
Romuva: baltic_pagan_reformed
Hellenic: hellenic_pagan
Slavic: slavic_pagan_reformed
Suomenusko: finnish_pagan_reformed
Zunist: zun_pagan_reformed

change_religion_court ruler [Religion Tag]

(changes religion of your ruler to specific religion)

(changes religion of your heir to specific religion)

change_religion_court consort [Religion Tag]

(changes religion of your consort to specific religion)

(changes religion of your hired administrative advisor to specific religion)

change_religion_court dipadv [Religion Tag]

(changes religion of your hired diplomatic advisor to specific religion)

(changes religion of your hired military advisor to specific religion)


(add 100 papal influence)

Subject-like cheats

(vassalize an specific country)
example: vassalize TUR (vassalize the ottomans)
example 2: vassalize MNG (vassalize ming)

create_march [Country Tag]

(the specific country becomes a march)
example: create_march CAS (makes castile a march)
example 2: vassalize MNG (vassalize ming)

Europa Universalis 4 Ottoman Guide
annex [Country Tag] [Actor Country tag (OPTIONAL)]

WITHOUT OPTIONAL: your country will annex the specific country (DOES NOT ADD CORES)
example: annex TUR (your country will annex the ottomans)
example 2: annex MNG (your country will annex ming)
WITH OPTIONAL: the optional country will annex the specific country (DOES NOT ADD CORES)
example: annex PAP NAP (naples will annex the papal state)
example 2: annex TUR BYZ (byzantium will annex the ottomans)

integrate [Country Tag] [Actor Country tag (OPTIONAL)]

WITHOUT OPTIONAL: your country will integrate the specific country (DOES ADD CORES)
example: integrate TIM (your country will integrate the timurids)
example 2: integrate HAB (your country will integrate Austria)
WITH OPTIONAL: the optional country will integrate the specific country (DOES ADD CORES)
example: integrate TIM MNG (ming will integrate the timurids)
example 2: integrate BOH HAB (Austria will integrate Bohemia)

Army/navy cheats

(adds army tradition to your country or specific country) (can be negative)
example: army_tradition 20 (adds 20 army tradition to your country)
example 2: army_tradition -50 (lowers your country’s army tradition by 50)
example 3: army_tradition 25 NAP (naples gain 25 army tradition)
if you not specify any amount it will add 50 army tradition


navy_tradition [amount] [Country tag (OPTIONAL)]

(adds navy tradition to your country or specific country) (can be negative)
example: navy_tradition 20 (adds 20 navy tradition to your country)
example 2: navy_tradition -50 (lowers your country’s navy tradition by 50)
example 3: navy_tradition 25 TUR (the ottomans gain 25 navy tradition)
if you not specify any amount it will add 50 navy tradition



(adds or removes drill from all your country’s units or specific country’s units)
example: army_drill 100 (adds 100 drill (max) to all your units)
example 2: army_drill 100 ARA (adds 100 drill (max) to all aragon units)


army_professionalism [Amount] [Target Country tag (OPTIONAL)]

(adds or removes army professionalism from your country or target country)
example: army_professionalism 25 (sets your country army professionalism to 25)
example 2: army_professionalism 100 (sets your country army professionalism to 100)
example 3: army_professionalism 100 CAS (sets castile’s army professionalism to 100)


War cheats

(grants 100 war score in all your wars)

declare_war [Country Tag 1] [Country Tag 2] [yes/no]

(country 1 will declare a no CB war againts country 2) (yes or no if you want the attacker to be able to call willing allies)
example: declare_war PAP MOR no : the papal state will declare a no CB war against morocco and won’t call his willing allies
example 2: declare_war MAM TUR yes : the mamluks will declare a no CB war against the ottomans and will be able to call his willing allies


(siege in specific province is completed instantly)


(allows you to see the province id, the country tag, event id and much more)

tag [country tag]

(changes the country you are actually playing) (can’t write the whole list of country tags but i’m gonna show a few of them)

example: tag CAS (changes the country you are playing to castile (if it exists))
example 2: tag ARA (changes the country you are playing to aragon (if it exists))
example 3: tag TUR (changes the country you are playing to the ottomans (if it exists))

some country tags:

france: FRA
england: ENG
great britain: GBR
burgundy: BUR
austria: HAB
hungary: HUN
byzantium: BYZ
poland: POL
denmark: DAN
timurids: TIM
ming: MNG
mamluks: MAM
teutonic order: TEU
novgorod: NOV
muscovy: MOS
russia: RUS
spain: SPA
venice: VEN
genoa: GEN
morocco: MOR


(disable terra incognita)


(disable fog of war)

(spawns Jan Mayen (OP country))

Written by [RAУ]APOLO #Gabi

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Jul 7, 2020

On the Rhodes Again Achievement Guide (Step-by-Step)


Hello everyone, here I will provide a very simplified guide to trashing the Ottomans and going for the achievement, I am assuming that most of you have no interest in doign a WC, but with my strat its very doable, I was able to successfully do it in both games I did.
Here's the catch, its actually a naval strategy and it works against the Ottomans. What will need to be done is that you will suck out lots of Ottoman money and cripple them permanently.

Europa Universalis 4 Beginners Guide

Step 1
You might think its stupid, but the first step is to delete your army. Yeah you heard that right, and you'll also delete all your other ships with the exception of your galleys and you must keep 2 light ships. Do counter espionage on the Ottomans.
Step 2
EuropaRaid coasts to get a money and build up your galleys, it doesnt matter that you go over force limit just build around 25 to 30, it might be expensive in sailors once theyre at sea but thats why you have to micro manage a bit and detach only the amount you need for sieges.
Step 3
Stay catholic. No exceptions. Convert Rhodes use edicts if you need to but you can just stab up to 2 to accept Greeks then you can convert your capital.
Step 4
Get tech 5 in admin as fast as possible and maintain good diplo tech for navy morale. This is crucial, ignore teching up in military, if you're full on military power prior to gettign tech 5 admin spend it on dev when you reach the monarch power cap. If you have tech 5 admin, get naval ideas. This is a must and if you dont get it you might not survive, you need it for better admirals and you will need ti for galley combat ability.
Step 5
Once you fully unlocked naval ideas you can start teching up in military, you literally do not need to fight land battles with this strategy for a long time. After this get the naval doctrine for more combat ability. By now with those two modifiers and a good admiral and roughly 30 galleys you should have no problem trashing venice for crete even if they have allies, the only thing that matters is the naval dominance and with insane stacked combat ability you should be able to demolish their navy and capture some of their galleys. For this war youll only need 2k troops, by this time the Ottomans probably took Naxos and the other islands which is a good thing for you.
Step 6
Start tryign to ally austria or hungary, poland as well since they will be a great distraction.
Step 7
If the Ottomans own all of the islands this is great news for you. You will declare a war on the ottomans for naxos or negroponte, I suggest you land on Naxos and just hold it till they get war exhausted. Your navy should be able to demolish theirs if you have unlocked the Knight idea for extra 20% Galley combat ability. In this war you will only take those islands and no more, gives you more naval capacity and more income as well as a method to safely get into Anatolia or the Balkans as you wish.
Step 8
Assuming that you followed the guide this works all the time. Now you will need to justify trade conflicts with the Ottomans, the wargoal is to blockade ports which is great because even numerically superior Ottoman fleets are no match for 40 - 50 galleys with a great admiral and galley ability. Lords of the Sea is the reform you should pick for the time being as well as a morale advisor to dominate the sea even more. If the ottomans get baited into your blockading fleet just send in the rest of your fleet and sink them again. At the end of the war peace out for a full 25 warscore of ducats, it should be around 2k per war. After a few wars theyll be in unrecoverable debt and you can start gearing up for all out war.

Europa Universalis 4 Ottoman Guide Build

Step 9
Poland is a must alliance, austria is a great ally as well. You need one or both of them. Then siege down the straits if possible, chances are the ottomans will go to poland so what you must do is set Biga or any of the anatolian strait provinces as the wargoal. If the ottoman armies go to poland, your army can take control of anatolia andif theyre distracted enough you cna snatch constantinople and gellibolu which is what you really want. You want to take control of the straits in the Balkans, once you do that, youre in the clear. You can keep declaring land wars for the balkans and take more and more of them maybe the mamluks will join in on the fun.
Step 10
Once you take most of the greek provinces you can safely drop naval ideas and switch for a better miltiary idea. That's basically it, then you just keep pushing eastwards and get the achievement.
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